How do we begin the process of applying for a Mebane Foundation grant?
We ask that you first complete a phone interview with our president. At that time we will be able to let you know whether your proposal generally meets the Foundation’s objectives and interests.
Who is eligible to apply for a Foundation grant?
Organizations that have qualified for exemption under Section 501© (3) of the IRS Code and are not privation foundations as defined by Section 509 (a) of the Code.
Do you award funds to individuals?
No, we fund agencies that help individuals.
What are the Foundation’s grant application deadlines?
After an initial phone interview, prospective grantee proposals are accepted throughout the year. For consideration by our Board of Directors at its fall meeting in September, completed applications must be submitted by July 1; for consideration at its spring meeting in March, completed applications must be submitted by January 1.
If our organization has never had an audit, may we receive a Foundation grant?
Yes, but require a certified public accounting audit annually during the term of the grant.
May we ask for operating expenses and general support?
Organizations are encouraged to ask for amounts consistent with program/project needs. The Foundation is especially interested in proposals that include a challenge match. We will also review multi-year funding requests to provide seed money for new programs and initiatives as well as expansion of existing programs and projects.
When will we be notified about the Foundation’s decision regarding our grant application?
All applicants that meet the January deadline will be notified about the Board’s decision by March 31. All applicants that meet the July deadline will be notified by September 30.
Will our grant be monitored? If so, how frequently?
Yes, as often as twice a year. Monitoring will be determined by the Foundation president at the time the grant is awarded.
May we submit a funding request through a Board member or contact a Board member regarding a pending request?
No, the application process outlined under our Guidelines above is the only method by which we receive and review proposals.